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Properties for Sale in Bareq Tower Mall New Administrative Capital

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Properties for Sale in Bareq Tower Mall New Administrative Capital  Empty Properties for Sale in Bareq Tower Mall New Administrative Capital

مُساهمة من طرف نوران نور الإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 3:36 pm

The architectural design of
Bareq Tower New Administrative Capital
The architectural design of Bareq Tower Project is witnessing a great development and follows modern technologies that contribute in the best way to the customer getting all the amenities and progress he dreams of, and work has been done to make the architectural design very distinctive and add a lot to the projects established in it.

The company that owns Bareq Tower has hired the best architectural design companies so that the tower comes to light in a very brilliance, and the designs add to its advantages, an important feature, which is the freedom of the customer to choose what he wants from the spaces after the design of the place took care of the spaces in it, whether for commercial, administrative and medical units as well.

The company also did not neglect that Bareq New Capital project beautifully overlooks more than one side inside New Capital in order to enjoy wonderful views of your unit and be able to enjoy the wonderful sunshine that comes to you thanks to the place where the glass windows dominate that increase its brilliance.

Here are the interior divisions of Bareq Tower:

There are 3 floors of a basement for the garage in Bareq Mall New Capital.
The project also consists of a ground floor + 10 upper floors.
The floors from the ground to the third are allocated for shops inside Bareq Tower New Capital.
The fourth floor is Food Court.
And the fifth and sixth floors are the medical units in Bareq Project New Capital.
And the floors from the seventh to the tenth are for the administrative units.
The features of Bareq Tower Mall New Capital
This is not all in Bareq Tower Project New Capital, but it includes many other advantages that will contribute in the best way to running your business better than before, and the development in the place is one of the reasons for its distinction because it will certainly bring good to the tower projects.

The important competitive advantages in place are as follows:

The beginning of the advantages came when choosing the famous downtown area in New Capital to be the best location for the construction of the project.
In addition, there are a lot of engineering details that have been taken into account in the engineering design on which Bareq Tower is located, so that all its units have many wonderful views that increase your enjoyment of the view you look at.
Bareq project also includes many units of units, whether administrative, commercial, or medical.
It is worth noting that the project has wide spaces between the units in order to maintain the required amount of privacy in the unit.
Solar energy also plays a major role in making the place different and supporting the environment in the best way in Bareq New Capital.
A wide green space surrounds the project and it works in the first place to have a good aesthetic view of the place.
In addition, there are good payment systems, competitive prices, as well as many offers and discounts that will help in owning a special place inside Bareq Tower.

نوران نور

المساهمات : 2000
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/08/2022

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