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Sherine Ashraf

اذهب الى الأسفل

Sherine Ashraf Empty Sherine Ashraf

مُساهمة من طرف ماسه علاء الثلاثاء نوفمبر 02, 2021 10:48 pm

Business Women From preparatory stage .. “ Sherine Ashraf ” started her project with 300 pounds and dreams of establishing a mall
Sherine Ashraf 163584871633051

Sherine Ashraf 163584871637022

Some may think that any project needs large financial funding in order to succeed and continue, and this is what most young people argue with, who succumbed to despair and frustration at not being able to come up with a project idea that fits the little money they save, but Sherine Ashraf was able to prove that anyone can start a small project With little money and he can achieve himself even before he gets a university degree.
Shereen Ashraf, 20, a student at the Faculty of Commerce and the owner of a project that sells clothes online at a cheaper price than the market, spoke about the beginning of her thinking about the project, where she said: "I was thinking about whether we could wear girls Brands for half the price, and I used to buy from the (Wekala market) and notice ". Regarding the prices , I decided to start from there and go down and buy 10 pieces, for example, and photograph them in a traditional way and publish them on a group on social media, and offer them for sale at a cheaper price so that any girl can buy 3 pieces for the price of one piece, and the group succeeded and began to grow and began to develop my method of photography and bought photographic equipment I changed the decor of my room so that I could photograph my work.”
The project of selling clothes online was not Sherine’s first commercial project, but she started with a small project while she was in the third preparatory grade, where she said, “I started my project at such a stage, I was 14 years old at that time. How can I do an online project, achieve myself, and start with 300 pounds, and it was two months’ expense for me, and I bought makeup and sold them to my group on social media, and I preferred to sell makeup for 3 years.”
Sherine faced some difficulties in her project, which she talked about, saying, "The difficulties that I faced were that the merchants saw me as a child and were underestimating me, and this was bothering me, but once in a while I was able to prove to them that I am worthy of the job, and the merchants who were making fun of me started now to insist in demand to buy products from them ."
Sherine made some mistakes during her project, which she considered as lessons in the world of commerce, from which she learned a lot. But with time, I won't be affected, and I have to ignore negative criticisms and prove myself."

Sherine, a student at the Faculty of Commerce, was able to reconcile her studies with her work, through a plan that she developed for herself during the school year, which she referred to, saying, "I chose to study commerce in order to help me in my field of work, and throughout the year I do not attend lectures, I work, but in the last month before exams I divide my time between My work and study means I go down and buy the products and offer it and sleep a little and study, and attend lectures for the final reviews of the materials, and thank God I was getting grades between good and excellent.
Sherine dreams of turning her online project into reality, as she said, "Online commerce is the one that will impose itself in the next period, so I think of making a mall in the future, in which I present all my work of clothes and accessories that I am working in now online."
Sherine gave some advice to the girls so that they could prove themselves in the labor market, where she said, "I advise any girl not to depend on anyone for her own expenses and to work and rely on herself, because work will make her gain experience and be able to prove herself, and she will learn many things and change her personality for the better, and she will become an example. Her children will be proud of him in the future, and the most important thing is not to listen to negative criticism and do what you love.”

Social media links

Sherin’s Facebook
Sherin’s Instagram
Sherins facebook group

Sherine Ashraf 16358487164183

Sherine Ashraf 163584871644984

Sherine Ashraf 163584871649295

#شيرين_اشرف #ملابس_الوكالة #اونلاين_استور #ميكاب #اكسسوارات #شنط_حريمى #shiren_ ashraf

ماسه علاء

المساهمات : 742
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/12/2020

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