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100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in A1 Mall

اذهب الى الأسفل

100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in A1 Mall Empty 100 Meters Commercial Properties for sale in A1 Mall

مُساهمة من طرف نوران نور الثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 1:29 pm

Prices of A1 Tower New Capital
Satisfying customers has become one of the things that the developer of A1 Mall New Capital has sought, as it knows very well how to meet their needs and provides various opportunities for the customer to get what he specifically wants in the mall and be satisfied with what he gets and what he will find in response to his desires within A1 Mall.

One of the distinctive things about the project is the prices offered by the developer in the place, which would make owning units in the mall easier and in a short time as well, and set prices for the year 2022 for the mall, which are as follows:

Prices per square meter in commercial units inside the mall starts from 49,000 EGP in A1 Mall.
As for the price per square meter for medical units, it starts from 22 thousand EGP inside A1 Mall New Capital.
The administrative units and offices in the project, the price per square meter starts from 21 thousand EGP.
Payment Systems at A1 Tower New Capital
A1 New Capital offers a variety of payment systems, so that you can find in it what suits your capabilities and freedom to choose the most appropriate installment system for you, and not only that, but this project is one of the few malls that provide a return on the downpayment in the project in order to increase the interest accruing to you in the project, which is:

The customer can pay a 5% downpayment of the unit value and pay the rest over 6 years, and there is a 5% discount here.
The customer can also pay a 10% downpayment of the unit price and pay the rest over 7 years and will get a 10% discount in A1 Mall New Capital.
The customer can pay a 15% downpayment of the unit value and pay the rest of the amount over 7.5 years, and there is a 10% discount.
The customer can also pay a 20% downpayment, and the rest is to be paid in installments over 8 complete years, and there is a discount of up to 10% inside A1 Mall New Capital.
The investor can pay a 25% downpayment of the unit value and pay the rest of the amount over 8.5 years, and there is a 10% discount.
If the customer paid a 30% downpayment of the value of the unit, he can pay the rest in installments over 9 years, and there is a 10% discount.
There is also a 50% discount when paying in cash.
There is also a system that provides a return on the down payment available in the mall, which is as follows:

The customer can pay a 10% downpayment and the rest in installments over 6 years and get an 8% return for 3 years in A1 Mall New Capital.
The customer can pay a 20% downpayment for the unit and pay the rest of the price over 6 years and get an investment return of 10% for 3 years.
The customer can pay a 30% downpayment of the unit value, and receive a return of 12% for 3 years, and pay the rest of the amount over 6 years.
The mall units will be delivered in 2026 inside A1 Mall New Capital.
The integration in A1 Tower NewCapital is distinctive and gives great freedom to customers in order to be reassured when owning a distinctive unit in the project, and all you have to do is contact us now so that you get all the desires of this great edifice.

Real estate developer and previous business
SV Development has been working in the field of real estate development for about 25 years, meaning that it has the experience that qualifies it to reach a great position among its eyes in the Egyptian market, and the company has been able to refine its experience over the years and do a lot of important work that made its mark Clear in real estate.

In addition to being always concerned with the quality and advantages that the customer will get in the engineering work that they carry out during their great career, the customer is one of the cornerstones that the company is very interested in in the projects it is working on, and customer satisfaction is also important and essential to it.

Previous Works of SV Development:

Building a mini compound in Bayt Al Watan, New Cairo.
Construction of residential buildings and villas in Fifth Settlement.
Construction of residential buildings in Bayt Al Watan.
Implementation of tourist villages in the Red Sea and South Sinai.

نوران نور

المساهمات : 2000
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/08/2022

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