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For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital

اذهب الى الأسفل

For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital Empty For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital

مُساهمة من طرف نوران نور الأربعاء سبتمبر 21, 2022 6:27 am

The architectural design of
Jeval Mall New Capital
The client can find everything that greatly supports his work in Jeval New Capital and allows him to better manage his business in this great architectural edifice, and the developer company has taken care of the architectural design of the place because it is important to the clients and contributes to making Jeval more distinguished than before.

Cooperation certainly creates distinctive and different projects with more than important details that serve the interests of customers and business owners with their various activities, and this is what the developer of this international mall has done on the land of the capital.

The company has partnered with more than one company, including designs, implementation, and business development, namely, ACE Design Company, DSC International Company for Implementation, and also GADWA Real Estate, and this cooperation created a state of integration in the place, and this will certainly benefit the owners of projects in the place to a large extent.

Jeval project was divided into 3 floors, a basement, a ground floor, and 12 consecutive floors, and the internal divisions of Jeval project are diverse, including commercial and administrative, as well as a number of hotel apartments, all of which are characterized by the integration of facilities attached to them.

There are many units in Jeval and the roles have been assigned to them as follows:

On the ground and first floors, there are commercial units of various sizes and shops.
As for the floors from the second to the ninth, they are for administrative units.
There are a number of hotel apartments, specifically on the ninth to twelfth floors.
It is truly a special place and includes many distinctive details that distinctively add to Jeval project and make it attractive to many investors.

Features of Jeval Mall New Capital
Jeval Mall New Capital includes a number of features that we will talk about in detail in the following:

The strategic location in the downtown area within the capital is one of the advantages that the place provides to its customers.
Also, many glass facades have been provided that increase the width of the unit and provide you with a special pleasure in looking at the beauty within sight in front of Jeval mall.
The developer company has also provided many prices and payment systems that facilitate owning a distinctive unit in the place.
Many facilities and discounts offered by Wealth Developments in Jeval Mall.
In addition to the diversity of the units and their area in Jeval.

نوران نور

المساهمات : 2000
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/08/2022

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